Friday, 19 July 2013

Vampire Stat?

Most of my views are coming for this place called
Please can one of you vampstat people explain how you got HERE from THERE

Thursday, 18 July 2013

Thank You :)

Lol i'm getting all gooey on you guys :P

I just wanted to say thank to everyone who reads my blog on a regular basis and to those who are "just visiting". Please subscribe guys :P

this is the latest stats and i'm rrreeeeaaalll happy about it guys:
*PS : I don't bite! You MAY leave a comment..... :P

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

PGC Update

Ok wow i have ALOT to do here...........

First things first. Seana got pregnant 3 more times after the last twins. She had 2 sets of twins and Quadruplets.

The twins consisted altogether of 3 boys and 1 girl. The quadruplets were all boys.

I decided to age them all up to teens so that i could start their seperate lives!

Here is the deets!

Please Note: All brown hair/eyes comes from their grandfather , Stiles Lyder. He has both

First Born : Marcu
Age: Teen
Traits: Bookworm, Good, Loves the heat, Angler , Friendly
Looks: Purple Hair with Red Tips, White-Blue Eyes
Inherited: White-Blue Eyes
Pictures from Toddler-Teen

Twins(1): Ley
Age: Teen
Traits: Brave , Excitable, Athletic , Ambitious
Looks: Dark Brown Hair, White-Blue Eyes
Inherited: White-Blue Eyes
Pictures from Toddler-Teen

Twins(1): Arilana
Age: Teen
Traits: Genius, Virtuoso, Good, Ambitious
Looks: Brown Hair, Brown Eyes
Inherited: Nothing
Pictures from Toddler to Teen

Twins(2): Niram
Age: Teen
Traits: Family-Oriented, Excitable, Artistic, Light Sleeper
Looks: Brown Hair, White-Blue Eyes
Inherited: White-Blue Eyes
Pictures from Toddler-Teen

Twins(2): Ruen
Age: Teen
Traits: Brave, Great Kisser, Light Sleeper, Friendly
Looks: Purple Hair with Red Tips, Blue Eyes
Inherited: Nothing
Pictures from Toddler-Teen

Twins(3): Rane
Age: Teen
Traits: Slob, Brave, Night Owl, Easily Impressed
Looks: Brown Hair, Blue Eyes
Inherited: Nothing
Pictures from Toddler-Teen

*Note: I really wish that Kiari had been born with the heir genes. She is the most beautiful sim in my household. Even her mother doesn't live up to her :(

Twins(3): Kiari
Age: Teen
Traits: Loves to Swim, Artistic, Athletic, Equestrian
Looks: Brown Hair, Blue Eyes
Inherited: Nothing
Pictures from Toddler-Teen

Quadruplets: Donavin
Age: Teen
Traits: Flirty, Family-Oriented, Excitable, Genius
Looks: Brown Hair, White-Blue Eyes
Inherited: White-Blue Eyes
Pictures from Toddler-Teen

Quadruplets: Tonny
Age: Teen
Traits: Sailor , Loves the Outdoors, Good, Diva
Looks: Brown Hair, White-Blue Eyes
Inherited: White-Blue Eyes
Pictures form Toddler-Teen

Quadruplets: Craig
Age: Teen
Traits: Neurotic, Good, Genius, Snob
Looks: Red Hair with White Streaks and Tips, Blue Eyes
Inherited: Red Hair with White Streaks and Tips
Pictures from Toddler-Teen

And now.... The Moment you ahve all been waiting for! THE HEIR!
Quadruplets: Leo
Age: Teen
Traits: Brave, Loves the Outdoors, Proper, Athletic
Looks: Red Hair with White Streaks and Tips, White-Blue Eyes
Inherited: Red Hair with White Streaks and Tips, White-Blue Eyes 
Pictures from Toddler-Teen

That makes 11 Kids in total for the 3rd generation!!!!

Im trying to figure out how to make a nice family tree for u but its kinda hard considering it looks kinda like this:

              |              |              |
        Orie         Lianie       Seana-----------Rugy
                                      TONS OF CHILDREN

Monday, 15 July 2013

PGC Update

Neither of the twins was an heir :(. They both had brown hair(?) and Ley had moms eyes.

I got fed up with so many people especially that Seana is pregnant again. I aged up Marcu and moved him out with the twins(mods, u gotta love 'em)
Arilana as a child

Arilana as a toddler

Ley as a child
Ley as a toddler
Marcu as a teen

Marcu as a child

Marcu as a toddler

PGC update

As she was getting dressed with her beloved for the one day that would mark the start of the rest of her life, graduation, she felt the sharp , piercing pain she had felt only once before. "It's coming!" she screamed.

Graduation gift: twins. Gender: 1 male 1 female. Loveability: infinity.

What a gift to get. Lets hope one of them is the true gift, the gift of an heir!

Alirana is a beautiful girl with the virtuoso and good traits.
Her brother, Ley was born with the athletic and excitable traits.

Sunday, 14 July 2013

Holidays :P

Sorry i havn't posted these past few days. I went away for the weekend and oh what a lovely one it was!

Ill have an update up within 3 hours!!!! (have some coursera stuff to finish)

Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Perfect Genetics Challenge!!!

Ok guys i have abondoned my mission for now( I shall get back to it, don't worry) for a new one!!!

The Perfect Genetics Challenge(PGC) is a challenge that requires one to great 10 generations in the same family, but, there is a catch! Your founder sim must have a unique hair and eye colour(Red hair and Pink eyes , blue hair and orange eyes , etc). The tenth generation must have those two genes in them!!!!!

Another catch is that you are allowed no cheats, unless moveobjects, etc. And finally, the BIG catch.... Your sims may only be considered viable as a generation complete if they have both genes, each sim that carries on the legacy must have the "dislikes children " trait AND their partner MAY NOT have the same hair-eye colour .
This is my founding sim:
Her name is Amaria Lyder.
She has the traits of dislikes children, Athletic,Light sleeper, Natural cook, excitable
Her lifetime wish is to be a celebrated five-star chef!

The gentics to be passed down are: red hair with white highlights and tips. 
White eyes with a hint of blue.
She marries Stilles McGraw and had 3 babies. Lianie:

Lianie as a toddler

Lianie as a child

Lianie as a teen
Lianie is NOT an heir. She has her moms hair and dads eyes.

Orie as a toddler
Orie as a teen
 Unfortunatley i don't have a pic of Orie as a child :(. Orie is an heir BUT i've decided not to use her BECAUSE.......
Seana as a toddler
Seana as a child
Seana as a teen

Seana is an heir. I am using her because well.... look at her...
She has the traits of : Dislikes children , loves the outdoors , friendly aaaannnnd i forgot the other one....

Anyways... she ended up getting pregnant (;) completely by mistake;)) by her imaginary friend-come-real. They are engaged-to-be-married. His name is Rugy.

 They had a little baby boy named Marcu.

 Unfortunately he is not an heir :( He is cute though isn't he?

This is where we stand :

Seana and Rugy live with Marcu and Amaria(Amaria knows how to look after the kid)

Lianie lives with her imaginary friend-come-real Guil(i think?)

Orie lives with her imaginary friend-come-real Lonbo(They might be switched around..... don't quote me on this) and her dad.